Our turf package includes all the necessary services to ensure your lawn is healthy and getting the proper nutrients. The package includes 6 applications. The treatments include the following:
Each application/ visit we make to your property we leave a detailed list of what application was made and any notes in regards to proper watering or any other proactive measures we feel would be beneficial to increase the health of your turf.
Application Program Schedule:
1st application: Nutrients, Herbicide, and Insecticide
2nd application: Fertilizer, Nutrients, Herbicide, and Insecticide
3rd application: Fertilizer, Herbicide, and Insecticide
4th application: Fertilizer, Nutrients, Herbicide, and Insecticide
5th application: Fertilizer, Herbicide, and Insecticide
6th application: Fertilizer, Nutrients, Herbicide, and Insecticide
We offer a shrub program that is an additional protection package we can add on to your turf package. During our visits we will monitor and treat your shrubs with the necessary nutrients, pesticides, and fungicides as needed. This package protects your investment in your landscapes and is a great way to boost the appearance and performance of your hedges and other ornamental shrubs.
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